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Fortinet Universal SASE: The Convenience Partners Want, The Security Hybrid Businesses Need


When two Canadian school districts totaling a combine 50,000 students and staff needed to be fully secured no matter where class was held or homework was done, their IT leaders turned to a Fortinet partner who deployed Fortinet Universal SASE. This allowed a five-times faster onboarding experience for new users, thanks to a more a secure solution compared to VPN. “Granular security is not in VPN. So, when you log into the VPN, you open up everything, all your company, all your apps. And if you ever got a malware when you were off VPN, when you didn't log in, then when you log in back to the office with your VPN, the malware can get in all your apps, and you have access to the whole office.” - Alexandra Mehat, Product Marketing Director, Fortinet Fortinet Universal Secure Access Service Edge is a single-vendor SASE solution comprised of SD-WAN and Secure Service Edge built to secure today’s hybrid workforce who are increasingly accessing the web, and corporate and SaaS applications from anywhere. “It really covers and secures all the edges, all the devices, all the applications across on-premise as well as remote locations. Our Universal SASE also includes our Universal ZTNA solution. So, when you get SASE, you get our client, and you get our ZTNA included in the solution.” - Alexandra Mehat, Product Marketing Director, Fortinet Partners whose customers already have FortiGate Next Generation Firewall deployed in their networks can seamlessly integrate Fortinet Universal SASE for complete visibility and management of both on-premise and remote environments through a single pane of glass with one cybersecurity solution. “It's really also cost effective because it reduces the cost of your operations, of your management. And the SASE business is a recurring business. So, you move from the CapEx model to the OpEx model, which also gives recurring revenue to our partners.” - Alexandra Mehat, Product Marketing Director, Fortinet Fortinet is 100 percent channel-led, meaning every deal done with a Fortinet solution is done through channel partners. And you’ll never waste time learning how to sell a Fortinet solution thanks to their built-in training courses and 24/7 FortiCare support.

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