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Safer Web Application Deployments With Fortinet


As businesses become more reliant on web applications and web services deployed in the cloud, they open themselves up to more threats—making their attack surfaces look more like Swiss cheese. Most web application firewalls used to protect against these threats inundate managed service providers with false positives. Luckily, FortiWeb Cloud Web Application Firewall as a Service from Fortinet is not like most web application security solutions. FortiWeb Cloud Web Application Firewall as a Service uses built-in machine learning, AI and advanced bot mitigation to cut through the noise of false alarms and protect web applications, as well as secure APIs, unlike traditional firewalls. “It's able to identify anomalous patterns in access over time. And so, you actually reduce and really automate, what a security operator had to do before by tuning the system," says Aidan Walden, Global Director, Cloud, Dev Ops, Architecture, Engineering at Fortinet. "So, you take out that tuning requirement, you increase your hit rate, you have a much more secure experience, but also you don't compromise on that user experience at all.” The as-a-service model of FortiWeb Cloud Web Application Firewall not only saves partners money on up front capital expenses, but also allows them to avoid tedious permission issues that typically occur when deploying in a new customer’s environment. “Using an as-a-service model, we can easily insert that service in line without disrupting or touching the customer's infrastructure or design methodology. It's simply inserted in front of the application in the hosted or managed environment,” says Walden. In addition to using machine learning and AI to expand inhouse capabilities, these tools can also lower a partner’s operational expenses. “These are going to lower the level of effort for the security operations practice or the SOC for that managed provider and so it becomes a much more profitable service,” says Walden. FortiWeb Cloud Web Application Firewall as a service takes ease of use one step further by correlating threats to all web apps across a customer’s data center and cloud environments and giving you complete visibility from a single pane of glass.

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