Hitachi Vantara and GCP Form Partnership to Deliver the Hybrid Cloud


The digital world is evolving rapidly, with generative AI pushing data growth to new heights. To meet this challenge, Hitachi Vantara and Google Cloud have joined forces. Their collaboration introduces the Hitachi Unified Compute Platform (UCP) for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Enterprise. This partnership is a game-changer, offering a seamless hybrid cloud experience across data centers, cloud, and edge locations. Google Cloud’s Anthos promises to simplify the complexity of managing a hybrid cloud environment, allowing organizations focus on app development and innovation while Google Distributed Cloud Virtual (GDCV) handles the underlying infrastructure and operations. This turnkey solution simplifies workload management, offering easy mobility, configuration flexibility, and stringent security measures. Together, they're setting a new standard for cloud infrastructure, enabling businesses to thrive in the data-driven digital era.

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